Lara Briden's Healthy Hormone Updates

Sensible News has a new look and a new name! It is now called Lara Briden's Healthy Hormone Updates and comes directly from me Naturopath Lara Briden

In this issue, I bring you a couple of my latest blog posts (in case you missed them) and a handy cheat sheet: What Should Your Period Be Like? I provide details of my upcoming clinic availability and some of my writing from around the web. Next issue I'll share the video for a talk I recently gave. Stay tuned!

Why I Don't Use the Term Estrogen Dominance

Woman thinking about estrogen and progesterone balance.Estrogen-dominance refers to a situation of too much estrogen and not enough progesterone. I know as much as anyone that those problems are real. Many women suffer estrogen excess (see my Estrogen Excess post). Many women suffer progesterone deficiency (see Road Map to Progesterone).

Yet, I think the term ‘estrogen dominance’ is imprecise and has led to a lot of confusion. Continue reading...

The Crucial Difference Between Progesterone and Progestins

If you learn one thing from this blog, let it be this: The progestins in hormonal birth control are not progesterone.

It seems simple, and it should be simple. Yet most journalists, doctors, and even the British Medical Journal get it wrong. They use the word progesterone when they really mean a progestin such as drospirenone, levonorgestrel, or medroxyprogesterone. They’re not the same thing. At all. Continue reading...

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From around the web:

Sydney appointments:

I live in Christchurch, New Zealand now, but I travel to my Sydney clinic every two months.

My next Sydney dates are next week 16-25 November, and I still have a few spots left. I'll then be in Sydney again 28 January - 6 February.

I also offer phone and Skype consults. For information, please contact Lisa on +61 2 8011 1994 or 