Happy New Year everyone. Here is my latest blog post, as well as links to two upcoming events: The Hormonal Harmony Summit and a new Period Repair Live Video Q&A (back by popular demand). I also invite you to watch my recent presentation: Modern Obstacles to Hormonal Vitality, where I make an impassioned plea against hormonal birth control and cry a little. 

The Curious Link Between Estrogen and Histamine Intolerance

Headaches. Anxiety. Insomnia. Brain fog. Hives. Nasal congestion. These are just a few of the symptoms of histamine intolerance.

Histamine intolerance is more common in women, and is often worse at ovulation and just before the period. Why? Because that’s when estrogen is high compared to progesterone, and estrogen increases histamine. Continue reading...

Period Repair Q&A

Please join me and Holly Grigg-Spall (author of Sweetening the Pill) for another live video Q&A. Visit the Facebook or Google Hangouts event page to confirm your attendance and leave your question. You can also tweet your question with #PeriodRepair or #MenstruationMechanic. Check your time zone. It will stream live at 6 pm on Tues Feb 9 in California, which is 1 pm on Wed 10 Feb in Sydney. Then watch on Google or YouTube

Please join me and 25 other empowered, heart-centred women for The Hormonal Harmony Summit. Coming Jan 25. Sign up now. 

Hormonal Harmony Summit

My book is available from Amazon and iTunes
Buy my book
Dear Menstruation Mechanic, How can I treat progesterone deficiency?

Do you have a question for Menstruation Mechanic (me)? Please email
Watch: Modern Obstacles to Hormonal Vitality
My next Sydney clinic dates are: Jan 28 - Feb 6 and March 31 - April 9.  

I also offer some Skype consults. 
Consult with me