Lara Briden's healthy hormone updates
Hi everyone, 

I'm sad that some girls and women suffer such terrible period pain. I'm sad they're in pain and I'm sad they often don't receive the help they need. In this issue of Updates, I look at period pain and when it's not normal. I invite you to learn more about the condition endometriosis and to watch the amazing film Endo-What. I also link to one of my favorite methods of natural birth control

When Period Pain Is Not Normal

period painDo you suffer bad period pain?  You shouldn’t have to.

Period pain is common, so we tend to think it just goes with the territory of having periods. But most normal period pain will disappear with the right diet and supplements.

Put it this way: If it doesn’t disappear, then it’s not normal period pain. It’s strong period pain and might be a sign of an underlying medical condition like endometriosis. Continue reading..

Endometriosis: 5 Natural Treatments That Really Work

Endometriosis is not like other period problems. It’s not a hormonal condition like PMS and PCOS. It’s affected by hormones, yes, but fundamentally endometriosis is an inflammatory disease and probably an autoimmune disease.

Conventional treatment has not yet caught up with the new autoimmune research. Hormonal suppression remains the primary treatment, which is unfortunate because it has many side effects and does not work all that well.

There is a better way. Continue reading..

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Need natural birth control? Check out Daysy contraceptive device.
New podcast series from Alexandra Pope and the Red School.
My next Sydney clinic dates are April 3-12, and then June 14-24.

I also offer Skype consults. 

Phone: +61 2 8011 1994
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