Lara Briden's healthy hormone updates
Hi everyone, 

This is a special issue for all you 40-somethings who think you're going crazy. You're not. It's normal to be more sensitive to stress in the years leading up to menopause. It will get better, and in the meantime, there are things you can do. Please read Why Stress Hits So Hard In Your 40s. I also invite you to watch the documentary series The Thyroid Secret, currently screening for free, and I point out something important about endometriosis

The Real Reason Stress Hits Hard in Your 40s

In your 40s, you may find you don’t cope with stress as well as you did. You’re not imagining things, and you’re definitely not alone. Women are three times more likely to suffer anxiety, depression, and insomnia during the five years before menopause. Continue reading..

Why I Prescribe Iodine for Breast Pain, Ovarian Cysts, and PMS 

I consider iodine one of the most important supplements for women’s health (just behind magnesium, vitamin D, and zinc).

I prescribe iodine for breast pain, ovarian cysts, ovulation pain, and PMS, and I prescribe it even when there is no thyroid problem. In fact, I am more cautious when there is a thyroid problem because iodine can make it worse. Continue reading..

Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease.
My book is available from Amazon and iTunes
Buy my book
Are you watching the new thyroid documentary series? It's free until March 10.
The Thyroid Secret
Need natural birth control? Check out Daysy contraceptive device.
My next Sydney clinic dates are April 3-12, and then June 14-24.

I also offer Skype consults. Phone: +61 2 8011 1994
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