Why TSH is not a reliable Thyroid test. Oops, did we get it completely wrong about Alzheimer's? PCOS to get a new name. In Defence of Oestrogen. No Hormone more powerful for Mood, Sleep, Libido. 

Click to read In Defence of Oestrogen.

Gentle Carbs like rice and potato are good for GABA, Cortisol and Adrenal Health. Intermittent Fasting: Lose weight by eating LESS often.  Is fasting different for women? Book review of The Perfect Health Diet by Paul Jaminet and Shou-Ching Jaminet. 

Click to read The Gentle Carb Issue.

New HRT Study finds natural progesterone to be "safe and effective". Can't get your vitamin D levels up? It could be magnesium deficiency. Is your iodine supplement safe? What is natural thyroid hormone?
PCOS-Mania. The over-diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian syndrome.

Click to read What is Natural Thyroid?

Reclaiming rice. Worried about BPA? Watch those EFTPOS receipts.  Zinc for healthy DNA. Antidepressants bad for fertility, and not safe for pregnancy.

Click to read Does Rice Really cause Weight gain? 

Hard to relax? You need more GABA (and your gut bacteria can help you out). The myth of the 8 hour sleep. Sleep for hormones. 

Click to read The Myth of the 8-hour Sleep.

IUD's are 20x more effective contraception than the Pill. (And they don't cause hormonal havoc.) When it comes to acute sinusitis, antibiotics are no better than placebo. Got high cholesterol? It could be an over-diagnosis. Lose weight with an "8 hour eating window". Why do calcium supplements double the risk for heart attack? Magnesium IS the mineral to change your life. (And maybe save it.)

Download the full newsletter as a PDF file.

Evidence is that women do not "run out" of eggs:  The game-changing discovery of ovarian stem cells.
What is the story with wheat? Wheat gluten can behave like a drug in the body. It can be highly inflammatory. Researchers ask: "Is wheat safe for anyone to eat?" A negative coeliac test does not rule out gluten-sensitivity. The controversy about prostate cancer screening blood tests. Meaningful ways to prevent prostate cancer. Could a non-invasive "hair test" replace routine mammogram screening?

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IVF increases the risk for ovarian cancer. New research confirms that T3 is helpful for thyroid patients. Red wine not as bad for breast cancer as other alcohol. Do you really need a cholesterol drug? The false hope of statins. Statins cause diabetes and memory loss. What does a high cholesterol reading really say about your underlying health?  Anxiety more common in PCOS sufferers. Can cold weather help you to lose weight? Rebound weight gain caused by leptin, say Australian researchers. Antibiotics disrupt hormones and cause weight gain.

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CoQ10 supplements turn back the clock on women's eggs. Ultra-low dose HRT is better than standard dose. What is the best type of HRT? Should you get it from your GP or your natural doctor? The answer might surprise you. The Pill is a bad type of HRT. Australian experts say that current mammogram advice denies women "informed consent".

"I don't want to take any risk." Don't let a disorted sense of risk trick you into a bad health decision about mammograms, thyroid treatment, cholesterol medication and more. (Read the extended version of this article on Lara's hormonal health blog Blue Summit Health.)

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High-dose calcium supplements do not help bones. Meaningful ways to improve bone health. What does your low vitamin D reading really mean? Evidence that PCOS can begin in the womb. Cow's milk is a cause of constipation in children.

Special report on Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 improves brain health and prevents dementia. A normal blood test is not enough to rule out vitamin B12 deficiency. Peculiar symptoms of B12 deficiency. Medications that cause vitamin B12 deficiency. Foods that contain Vitamin B12. Patients report dramatic improvement on short course of B12 supplements.

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High dose thyroid medication may increase fracture risk in older adults. Hot flushes can last 10 or more years. Patient- evidence-based medicine. Why your doctor does not know about effective natural treatment. The Pill masks acne, but it does NOT address the underlying cause. Pill-withdrawal causes acne. Medical studies confirm that diet and stress affect acne. Nutritional supplements for acne: zinc, Vitamin B5, vitamin D, probiotics.

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How does bacteria treat depression? New evidence that the immune system talks to the brain. Healthy gut flora can reverse metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance). Rethink your relationship with your intestinal bacteria! Thyroid patient take note: Thyroid antibodies cause symptoms even when thyroid reading is normal. Leptin may be more important for blood sugar control than insulin. Leptin also suppresses appetite, regulates ovulation and promotes bone growth.

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